Home Decor Showrooms: USA
If you're looking for showrooms or Stockists and not sure where to find our products. Check out our Stockist store locator to find the nearest showrooms that carry our products.
USA: Atlanta
Nicolette Mayer Flagship Showroom
AmericasMart Atlanta
40 John Portman Blvd, NW
Building 2, 8th floor #857A/855B
Atlanta, GA 30303
(+1) 561-241-6906
USA: Dallas
Dallas Market Center
Cassmeyer Associates
Address: 2050 N Stemmons Fwy #122, Dallas, TX 75207
Open All Year, Hours: 9-5pm
Phone: (214) 742-8300
PAM KRAMER (North Texas)
(214) 695-1114 Cell
(214) 460-1933 Fax pam@cassmeyercollection.com
KELLY BAKER ( Arkansas, Louisiana)
(205) 292-9809 Cell
(214) 760-1933 Fax kelly@cassmeyercollection.com
LETTY ( Showroom Manager, Out of Territory Sales)
(214) 742-8300 Phone
(214) 760-1933 Fax letty@cassmeyercollection.com
ELIZABETH KOKE (Houston, Texas)
(337) 371-0282 Cell
(214) 460-1933 Fax Elizabeth@cassmeyercollection.com
LAURA CROOK (Houston and South Texas)
(903) 330-4566 Cell
(214) 460-1933 Fax laura@cassmeyercollection.com
Independent Representatives:
JODI BARKE (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota)
312 504 8083 jodi.barke@gmail.com
DAVID FREIMAN (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut)
917-669-8929 dpfreiman@aol.com
We are looking to expand the brand through skilled Representatives and Showrooms in Canada, Europe, Far East, South America, and USA Northwest and Southwest!
Key Accounts
International Accounts